Sunday, August 31, 2008

Searching for the Perfect Spot

As some of you know, my sister has asked me to do her bridal portraits. Well, the time is near. So, we cruised around town today for the perfect location for her photoshoot. She has three requests: a red train, a baseball field, and a wall with ivy. After some research, we found the train and the wall with ivy. Of course, I had to take my camera and do a couple of test shots. We also found a leopard print wall. Actually, it was an entire building. Pretty Awesome! I definitely want to go back.

Haley's First Shot

I think she thought we were being a little nerdy, but by the end of our trip she was really getting into the whole impromptu photoshoot we took her on.

Haley and Jeni, My Beautiful Sister and Bride-to-Be

Haley's attempt at being dramatic. It almost looks as if the train was actually moving, but it wasn't. It is stuck in the middle of a field.

Love the Leopard Print Wall!

I know the leopard print wall probably isn't appropriate for Jeni's Bridal Portraits but it is definitely cool!

At the last minute we found a wall of Ivy. One problem, it is right next to a parking lot, but it still has great possibilities.

We had to get some shots of Brittany, even though she wasn't dressed for a photoshoot. She was still adorable!

This has to be one of my favorites. It is a little humorous to me, but I'm not sure why. Maybe because I am the little sister, too, and I totally remember trying to steal attention away from Jeni.

Haley and her Shadow

Even at 15, you are still not to old to play with your shadow.

Brittany and her Shadow

Of Course, Brittany had to join in, too.

We exhausted our troops, and Mason actually took a little snooze. It is probably his 4th nap of the year. I am not kidding!

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